Student Solution


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Week 5 Quiz

Week 5  Quiz

Q Question 1 0 / 0.5 pts A modified version of Pascal's Wager in VIDEO 1 says that if we believe in God and God doesn't exist,

Q Question 2 0.5 / 0.5 pts Cosmological argument is based on our observations of the world around us and how it works, so it Question 3 0.5 / 0.5 pts Cosmological argument rejects an infinite regress as an explanation of the universe. Question 4 0.5 / 0.5 pts Cosmological argument is: Question 5 0.5 / 0.5 pts Richard Dawkins is mentioned in VIDEO 3 because he Question 6 0 / 0.5 pts W. Paley's version of the design argument relies on an analogy between a computer and the universe.

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1.we get some bad. 2.a posteriori. 3.True 4.inductive, a posteriori, and based on the concept of causation. 5.rejects the argument from design.